Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Not-So Beautiful People

I just finished watching the video of the Texas Rangers celebration in the clubhouse after they took down the Rays (and their six fans) in five games in the ALDS. In honor of their best player, the likely AL MVP, and former alcoholic and drug addict, Josh Hamilton...the team lambasted each other in ginger ale instead of the traditional champagne. Aside from the obvious question of how much does ginger ale in the eyes actually hurt, this was the coolest and classiest move I can remember a sports team doing in a while. Maybe the highest team approval rating move since the "Come Out Together" 2001 Super Bowl Patriots. Since his return to baseball, after flaming out to substance abuse as the best prospect baseball had seen in 20 years, Hamilton has been the biggest role model in the sport: a testiment to the American spirit of second chances and open arms. The fact that he has come all the way back to fulfill his potential a decade after he squandered it only enhances what should be the biggest story in sports right now.

Of course, barely anybody knows who the hell he is.

This got me to thinking about the celebrity of athletes in the media. Who are the most well known athletes and, more importantly, why are they so well known? Let's see....

MLB - Alex Rodriguez (steroids, had sex with Madonna, biggest contracts ever)

NFL - Peyton Manning (in lots of commercials, very talented, historical choke artist, sort of funny) or Chad Ochocinco (reality TV and Twitter star)

NBA - LeBron James (self promoter, hometown skipper, global a**hole) or Kobe Bryant (aggressiveness, rape)

NHL - Sidney Crosby (top-2 player in league, former champion, only hockey player allowed on TV commercials outside of "VS.")

Of the four major sports (screw off, NASCAR), only one of the biggest stars is actually only known for their talent. The fact that more people know who Chad Ochocinco is over Adrian Peterson is upsetting. Alex Rodriguez being more well known than Albert Pujols, who's only the best baseball player in the last 70 years, is the pinacle of "What The Hell Is Going On Here? Apparently, nobody remembers the most earth shattering, brain explodiest homer ever hit in the 05' Playoffs. Brad Lidge actually died he turned his neck around so fast. Don't look that up

Should this make us appreciate our actual star athletes more? The fact that, in the era of celebrity and controversy, some guys like Crosby, Pujols, Hamilton, Kevin Durant, etc...can actually succeed under the radar for an extended period of time is astounding. What's more astounding is that, if you woke up tomorrow to learn that Albert Pujols was found with PED's or Durant had beat up his'd never stop hearing about them. Their names would be engrained in your head until the day you die, and the name association with "BAD!" will always linger.

That's why I say "cheers" to the guys and girls who actually succeed and perform as role models in their given sport while somehow avoiding the top story on Sportscenter. Now THAT'S a serious achievement.

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