Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Yes We Can (Blame FoxNews)

I voted for Barack Obama and, technically, I'm enlisted as a Democrat. That after years of being a registered "independent," which is code word for "hates both parties equally, but is not crazy enough to be green or libertarian." If I had the motivation, which I don't, I would go back to government center in Fall River and go back to the way I was. Not that Obama has done a bad job. Afterall, Bill Clinton was right when he told a full Taunton High School gym this week that it's unfair to expect even a democratic supermajority to fix eight years of financial scumbaggery in less than three years. At least give them the full four, then go from there.

Then again, Clinton was down in my neck of the woods supporting one of the guys with his finger still on the financial meltdown trigger, Barney Frank. So take that at face value.
So far, Barack has done a "meh" job. If his presidency were an ice cream flavor, it'd be French Vanilla. If he were an author, he'd be James Patterson. If he were a TV show, he'd be "Chuck." If this was a post-modern commentary on interpersonal relationships between genetically altered brothers, who happened to be giant, talking turtles, he'd be "Ninja Turtles III." Very few promises lived up to, which is mostly to blame on his self-imploding congress and house, which he is to blame for because he's supposed to lead and organize them into unity. Even W. managed that...even if it did cripple the nation for the next few decades.
Anywho, I've just been unimpressed with the whole thing and it's sucked the life out of what was supposed to be a "turnaround" presidency. Until today anyway. Today, Barack finally took a major swing at something that deserves to be in the spotlight. That deserves to be taken down a peg before it actually causes major damage.

And I'm talking about FoxNews.
As far as I can tell, FoxNews is the biggest source of calamity in the whole country. Why are people always angry at each other? Because Sean Hannity told some jackass housewife in Nebraska that Obama was going to pull the plug on her elderly mother while aborting an unborn fetus. She believes him. I mean...he's on TV! Why would he lie!? Bill O'Reilly is smugly interviewing another smug politician about how Barack Obama, after just two years, is the worst President in history. Which is nice, because it's a good segway to O'Reilly's latest book on how Barack Obama has ruined the country with his socialist ideals (side note: let's say Obama WAS a Socialist...his congress and house are so screwed up they still couldn't pass anything through).
Professional cartoon characters like O'Reilly, Hannity, Glenn Beck, etc... are now what most of America considers newsmen, when they're really just playing an absurdist role to make craptons of money praying on stupid people.
In return, Liberals hate FoxNews. And I mean haaaaaate. The kind of hate that caused Mathilda to try and off Detective Stansfield kind of hate. They hate the hosts and the smarmy, tongue in cheek "Fair and Balanced" catchphrase...but more importantly, they hate the people that actually buy into their dribble as news. They wind up so hatefull, that it's just easy fodder for conservatives to wonder why the liberal media doesn't give Fox a fair shake.
By becoming the first sitting President to actually come out and say what we're all thinking about FoxNews and their maddening agenda of unrest, I applaud Barack Obama louder than anything else he's done so far in office. In a just world, FoxNews WOULD fall victim to some sort of FCC debacle that discreditied the entire organization. Rupert Murdoch would fall off of his 900 foot yacht in the Hawaiian Islands and drown. Glenn Beck would be arrested for child porn, Sean Hannity would be caught red handed with a male prostitute and Bill O'Reilly would be found to be some sort of creepy, loofa loving pervert with a phone sex problem. Crazy, I know.
While it's all fun and games now being a not-so-secretly biased mega media outlet, this is going to be a lot less funny in 20 years and the next generation of people cannot formulate an opinion without consulting their nearest talking head. We're heading down a slippery road already where we are either democrat or republican. No in between. I have a hardcore conservative friend who literally laughed at the notion that "moderatism" doesn't exist anymore, and he was happy to see it die.
That person is a news reporter and relays information to the public every single day. He does his reports with The Drudge Report up every morning in one tab, and FoxNews.com in the other. He doesn't have opinions anymore that weren't premade for him the night before. He is a nice guy, but he sure as hell HATES democrats.
This is going to get real scary, real fast. So good looks to Obama for calling it as he sees it. And bring on the headlines from FoxNews: PREZ HATES FOX? TYPICAL SOCIALIST AGENDA.

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